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Sign Federal Petitons

Visit the Action Centre at  to add your name to numerous petitions about issues that matter to you. We've included a small selection of links to specifc petitions below.

Protect The Canada Pension Plan
Protect The Canada Pension Plan
Pierre Poilievre pretends to care about workers, but he is letting his friend gamble your pension away.
The medicine you need should be free.
The medicine you need should be free.

Tell Justin Trudeau no-one should go without medicine because they can’t afford it.

We’ve never seen wildfires like this. The climate crisis is real.
We’ve never seen wildfires like this. The climate crisis is real.
Demand urgent action on climate change now so we can build a sustainable future that works for everyone.
2SLGBTQIA+ people around the world are under threat.
2SLGBTQIA+ people around the world are under threat.
The Liberal government needs to use its global influence to help protect the human rights of 2SLGBTQIA+ people around the world.
Stop renovictions. Lower rent. End corporate profiteering.
Stop renovictions. Lower rent. End corporate profiteering.
Rent is up 60% since Justin Trudeau became Prime Minister, and rich investors are evicting people to make a profit.
Combat corporate greed. End excessive CEO pay.
Combat corporate greed. End excessive CEO pay.
While top CEOs are making all-time high revenues, Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre refuse to make them pay what they owe.
Tax Galen’s Raise. Give it to Families and Foodbanks
Tax Galen’s Raise. Give it to Families and Foodbanks
Galen Weston just got a 55% raise, while everyday Canadians are struggling with skyrocketing costs. Enough is enough with greedy CEOs. Tax Galen Weston's raise — and send that money to food banks.
Stop US-Style For-Profit Healthcare
Stop US-Style For-Profit Healthcare
Conservatives are threatening to make healthcare a profit driven business
Abortion services must be accessible to every Canadian.
Abortion services must be accessible to every Canadian.
Many Canadians seeking abortion services can’t access them – this must change.

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